Prix Hugo et John Campbell 2010
Les nominations

Le prix Hugo, qui a été remis la première fois en 1953, récompense les meilleures oeuvres de science fiction et de fantasy. Les nominés sont choisis parmi les membres du World Science Fiction Society (WSFS). Les Hugos sont présentés chaque année au World Science Fiction Convention. La remise des prix aura lieu le 20 août 2011.

Best Novel
Cryoburn, Loïs McMaster Bujold (Baen)
Feed, Mira Grant (Orbit)
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms, N.K. Jemisin (Orbit)
The Dervish house, Ian McDonald (Pyr; Gollancz)
Blackout/All Clear, Connie Willis (Spectra)

Best Novella
The Lifecycle of Software Objects, Ted Chiang (Subterranean)
The Maiden Flight of McCauley’s Bellerophon, Elizabeth Hand (Stories)
The Sultan of the Clouds, Geoffrey A. Landis (Asimov’s 9/10)
Troika, Alastair Reynolds (Godlike Machines)
The Lady Who Plucked Red Flowers beneath the Queen’s Window, Rachel Swirsky (Subterranean Summer 2010)

Best Novelette  
The Jaguar House, in Shadow, Aliette de Bodard (Asimov’s 7/10)
Plus or Minus, James Patrick Kelly (Asimov’s 12/10)
Eight Miles, Sean McMullen (Analog 9/10)
The Emperor of Mars, Allen M. Steele (Asimov’s 6/10)
That Leviathan, Whom Thou Hast Made, Eric James Stone (Analog 9/10)

Best Short Story
Ponies, Kij Johnson ( 11/17/10)
For Want of a Nail, Mary Robinette Kowal (Asimov’s 12/10)
Amaryllis, Carrie Vaughn (Lightspeed 6/10)
The Things, Peter Watts (Clarkesworld 1/10)

Best Related Book 
Robert A. Heinlein: In Dialogue with His Century: Volume 1 (1907-1948): Learning Curve, William H. Patterson, Jr. (Tor)
The Business of Science Fiction: Two Insiders Discuss Writing and Publishing, Mike Resnick & Barry N. Malzberg (McFarland)
Writing Excuses, Season 4, Brandon Sanderson, Jordan Sanderson, Howard Tayler, Dan Wells
Chicks Dig Time Lords: A Celebration of Doctor Who by the Women Who Love It, Lynne M. Thomas & Tara O’Shea, eds. (Mad Norwegian)
Bearings: Reviews 1997-2001, Gary K. Wolfe (Beccon)

Best Graphic Story (212 Ballots Cast)
The Unwritten, Vol. 2: Inside Man, Mike Carey; art by Peter Gross (Vertigo)
Girl Genius, Volume 10: Agatha Heterodyne and the Guardian Muse, Phil & Kaja Foglio; art by Phil Foglio (Airship Entertainment)
Grandville Mon Amour, Bryan Talbot (Dark Horse)
Schlock Mercenary: Massively Parallel, Howard Tayler (Hypernode)
Fables: Witches, Bill Willingham; art by Mark Buckingham (Vertigo)

Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form 
Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort - Partie 1
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Toy Story 3

Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form 
Doctor Who: ‘‘A Christmas Carol’’
Doctor Who: ‘‘The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang’’
Doctor Who: ‘‘Vincent and the Doctor’’
Fuck Me, Ray Bradbury
The Lost Thing

Best Editor, Short Form 
John Joseph Adams
Stanley Schmidt
Jonathan Strahan
Gordon Van Gelder
Sheila Williams

Best Editor, Long Form 
Lou Anders
Ginjer Buchanan
Moshe Feder
Liz Gorinsky
Nick Mamatas
Beth Meacham
Juliet Ulman

Best Professional Artist 
Daniel Dos Santos
Bob Eggleton
Stephan Martiniere
John Picacio
Shaun Tan

Best Semiprozine 
Weird Tales

Best Fan Writer 
James Bacon
Claire Brialey
Christopher J Garcia
James Nicoll
Steven H Silver

Best Fanzine  
Banana Wings
The Drink Tank
File 770

Best Fan Artist  
Brad W. Foster
Randall Munroe
Maurine Starkey
Steve Stiles
Taral Wayne

The John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer
Saladin Ahmed
Lauren Beukes
Larry Correia
Lev Grossman
Dan Wells

Auteur : Manu B.
Publié le lundi 25 avril 2011 à 12h00
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