Prix Nebula 2005
Les résultats le 06 Mai 2006

Le prix Nebula fait partie, avec le prix Hugo, des deux plus prestigieux prix de littérature SF.
Rappel: les nominés pour 2005 sont:
NOVELS: Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, by Susanna Clarke (Bloomsbury, Sep04) Camouflage, by Joe Haldeman (Fictionwise download) (Analog, May04 (Serialized in Analog Mar-May04, also Ace book Aug 2004)) Polaris, by Jack McDevitt (Fictionwise download) (Ace, Nov04) Going Postal, by Terry Pratchett (HarperCollins, Oct04) Air, by Geoff Ryman (St. Martin's Press, Sep04) Orphans of Chaos, by John C. Wright (Tor, Nov05) NOVELLAS: "The Tribes of Bela," by Albert Cowdrey (Fictionwise download) (F&SF, Aug04) "Magic for Beginners," by Kelly Link (Magic for Beginners, Small Beer Press, Jul05; also in F&SF, Sep05) "Identity Theft," by Robert J. Sawyer (Fictionwise download) (Down These Dark Spaceways, Mike Resnick, Ed., Science Fiction Book Club, May05) "Clay's Pride," by Bud Sparhawk (Fictionwise download) (Analog, Aug04 (In July/August issue)) "Left of the Dial," by Paul Witcover (SCI FICTION, Sep04)
NOVELETTES: "Flat Diane," by Daniel Abraham (F&SF, Nov04 (Oct/Nov 2004 issue)) "The People of Sand and Slag," by Paolo Bacigalupi (F&SF, Feb04) "Nirvana High," by Eileen Gunn and Leslie What (Stable Strategies and Others, Tachyon Press, Sep04) "Men are Trouble," by James Patrick Kelly (Asimov's, Jun04) "The Faery Handbag," by Kelly Link (The Faery Reel: Tales From the Twilight Realm, Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling, Ed., Viking Press, Aug04) SHORT STORIES: "The End of the World as We Know It," by Dale Bailey (Fictionwise download) (F&SF, Nov04 (Oct/Nov 2004 issue)) "There's a Hole in the City," by Richard Bowes (SCI FICTION, Jun05) "I Live with You," by Carol Emshwiller (F&SF, Mar05) "Still Life With Boobs," by Anne Harris (Talebones, Aug05 (In Summer 2005 issue)) "My Mother, Dancing," by Nancy Kress (Asimov's, Jun04) "Singing My Sister Down," by Margo Lanagan (Black Juice, Eos, Mar05) "Born-Again," by K.D. Wentworth (F&SF, May05)
Rappel des anciens vainqueurs:
2004 - Lois McMASTER BUJOLD : "Paladin of souls" 2003 - Elizabeth MOON : "The speed of dark" 2002 - Neil GAIMAN : American Gods [American Gods - 2002 - Au Diable Vauvert] 2001 - Catherine ASARO : [The Quantum Rose] 2000 - Greg BEAR : L'Echelle de Darwin [Darwin's Radio - Robert Laffont / Ailleurs & Demain] 1999 - Octavia E. BUTLER : La parabole des talents [Parable of the Talents] 1998 - Joe HALDEMAN : La Paix Eternelle [Forever Peace - 1997 - Pocket] 1997 - Vonda N.McINTYRE : La Lune et le Roi-Soleil [The Moon and the Sun - 1999 - J'ai Lu Millénaires] 1996 - Nicolas GRIFFITH : [Slow river - inédit en France] 1995 - Robert J. SAWYER : L'Expérience terminale [The Terminal Experiment - 1995 - J'ai Lu 4703] 1994 - Greg BEAR : L'Envol de Mars [Moving Mars - 1994 - Robert Laffont A&D] 1993 - Kim Stanley ROBINSON : Mars la rouge [Red Mars - 1993 - Presses de la cité] 1992 - Connie WILLIS : Le Grand Livre [The Doomsday Book - 1992 - J'ai Lu 3761] 1991 - Michael SWANWICK : Station des Profondeurs [Stations of the Tide - 1991 - J'ai Lu 3436] 1990 - Ursula LE GUIN : Tehanu [Tehanu - 1990 - Pocket 5203] 1989 - Elizabeth Ann SCARBOROUGH : [The Healer's War - inédit en France] 1988 - Loïs McMaster BUJOLD : Opération Cay [Falling free - 1988 - J'ai Lu 4511] 1987 - Pat MURPHY : La Cité des Ombres [The Falling Woman - 1987 - Denoel Présence du fantastique 12] 1986 - Orson Scott CARD : La Voix des Morts [Speaker for the Dead - 1986 - J'ai Lu 3848] 1985 - Orson Scott CARD : La Stratégie Ender [Ender's Game - 1977/85 - J'ai Lu 3781] 1984 - William GIBSON : Neuromancien [Neuromancer - 1984 - J'ai Lu 2325] 1983 - David BRIN : Marée stellaire [Startide rising - 1983 - J'ai Lu 1981] 1982 - Michael BISHOP : [No enemy but time - 1982] 1981 - Gene WOLFE : La Griffe du demi-dieu [Claw of the conciliator - 1981 - Denoël PdF 345] 1980 - Gregory BENFORD : Un Paysage du Temps [Timescape - 1980 - Denoël PdF 332 & 333] 1979 - Arthur C. CLARKE : Les fontaines du paradis [The fountains of paradise - 1979 - J'ai Lu 1304] 1978 - Vonda N. McINTYRE : Le Serpent du rêve [Dreamsnake - 1978 - Livre de poche 7120] 1977 - Frederik POHL : La Grande Porte [Gateway - 1977 - J'ai Lu 1691 ou Pocket 5386] 1976 - Frederik POHL : Homme plus [Man plus - 1976 - Pocket 5395] 1975 - Joe HALDEMAN : La Guerre éternelle [The Forever War - 1975 - J'ai Lu 1769] 1974 - Ursula LE GUIN : Les Dépossédés [The Dispossessed : an ambitious utopia - 1974 - Pocket 5159] 1973 - Arthur C. CLARKE : Rendez vous avec Rama [Rendez-vous with Rama - 1973 - J'ai Lu 1047] 1972 - Isaac ASIMOV : Les Dieux Eux-mêmes [The Gods Themselves - 1972 - Denoël PdF 173] 1971 - Robert SILVERBERG : Le Temps des Changements [A time of changes - 1971 - Livre Poche 7052] 1970 - Larry NIVEN : L'Anneau-Monde [Ringworld - 1970 - J'ai Lu 3527] 1969 - Ursula LE GUIN : La Main Gauche de la Nuit [The Left Hand of Darkness - 1969 - Pocket 5191] 1968 - Alexei PANSHIN : Rite de passage [Rite of Passage - Opta Galaxie-Bis 29] 1967 - Samuel DELANY : L'Intersection Einstein [The Einstein intersection - 1967 - Livre de poche 7193] 1966 - Samuel DELANY : Babel 17 [Babel 17 - 1966 - Livre de poche 7184] 1966 - Daniel KEYES : Des Fleurs pour Algernon [Flowers for Algernon - 1966 - J'ai Lu 427] 1965 - Frank HERBERT : Dune [Dune - 1965 - Pocket 5069 & 5070]

Auteur : Manu B.
Publié le dimanche 30 avril 2006 à 14h30

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