Hellblazer/John Constantine : Constantine [2005]
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1. Destiny (2:03) 2. The Cross Over (2:42) 3. Meet John Constantine (2:39) 4. Confession (2:31) 5. Deo Et Patri (1:17) 6. Counterweight (2:48) 7. Into the Light (2:53) 8. I Left Her Alone (1:41) 9. Resurrection (2:05) 10. Circle of Hell (5:36) 11. Last Rites (1:56) 12. Encountering a Twin (1:05) 13. Flight to Ravenscar (:53) 14. Humanity (2:58) 15. John (1:31) 16. Someone Was Here (1:46) 17. Hell Freeway (2:43) 18. Ether Surfing (1:14) 19. The Balance (2:27) 20. Absentee Landlords (1:35) 21. John’s Solitude (1:26) 22. Lucifer (1:56) 23. Rooftop (1:20) 24. Constantine End Titles (2:39)

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Informations complémentaires sur Constantine

  • Titre (France) : Constantine
  • Titre (Etats-Unis d'Amérique) : Constantine